Summary of the Thidrekssaga

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Osantrix and Oda


King Nordian in Seeland had four sons: Etger, Aventrod, Widolf with the Staff, and Aspilian. They were all giants. When king Nordian died Osantrix made Aspilian king over his possessions.

Widolf with the Staff was so large that the heads of the others reached only to his shoulders, and he was stronger than two of his giant brothers, and had such a bad temperament that he did not respect man or animal. King Aspilian had an iron collar put around Widolf’s neck and further irons around his arms and legs, and he was only let loose when he had to battle. Also Aspilian had a large iron staff made with an iron chain on it, and Etger and Aventrod were tasked with carrying this staff, unless Widolf went into battle using it, and that’s why he’s called Widolf with the Staff. Etger only had a spear made of iron as a weapon, and it was so heavy that twelve men could not lift it.


When king Osantrix heard about this he gathered his armyIn Von der Hagen Osantrix explains the situation and his chieftains agree to follow him, and he also called up king Aspilian and his brothers Etger, Aventrod, and Widolf with the Staff, who was the oldest and strongest of the brothers.


Now king Osantrix came into Hunnenland with his army, but he told his men to call him ThidrekVon der Hagen gives "Fridrich (Mb)" as variant, and Ritter uses that name throughout his redaction of this part, and they rode peacefully, and did not harm anyone and bought what they needed in market places. They went to king MeliasVon der Hagen adds: in his capital of Walterburg and asked to meet the kingFollowing Haymes/Jónsson. Von der Hagen adds a considerable amount of text having to do with how Melias and the citizens of the town reacted, with the citizens allowing Thidrek into the town because they didn't see any disadvantage, but Melias was unhappy with the army. Also, before entering Melias' hall Thidrek tells Etger and Aventrod to keep hold of Widolf..

Brought before Melias Thidrek tells him he was a duke in Wilkinenland but incurred the displeasure of Osantrix, and that he now wants to offer himself and all his men to king Melias. And Thidrek fell to his knees. Melias asked why Thidrek hadn't made peace with his king, since Thidrek was a powerful man in his realm. And, Melias added, you're supposed to serve him. Return to your realm and reconcile yourself with your king. The king said this because he wasn’t sure who this man was.

Thidrek fell down on the floor before Melias' feet and put himself into his power and begged him to accept him. But Melias saidIn Von der Hagen Melias is first unhappy with the large army, and Thidreks says he brought it into town with the permission of the citizens.: You have brought a large army into this country, and if you now become my man it might be you don’t serve me well and we would become enemies and I would have to destroy your army before you destroy usVon der Hagen has: if we were to disagree and fall out, you’d have brought such a large force into town that you would not submit to us, and therefore I cannot trust you..

Then princess Oda spoke: Why don’t you want to give me to the king who is so powerful that he can exile this chieftain from his lands? This man could win all of your country with his sword if you were to battle.

But still the king refused to accept Thidrek, who lay before his feet.


When Widolf with the Staff heard this he became so angry he wanted to kill the king, but the other giants held him. He stomped on the ground so that both feet disappeared up to the ankles and said: Lord, why are you at king Melias’ feet? You are much nobler than he, let’s destroy his castle and plunder his country, and take his daughter as your servant.

When Thidrek heard this he had Aspilian told to bind Widolf to the city wall, and they did so with strong iron fetters. Then Thidrek fell to his knees for a third time and again asked to be taken in as Melias’ follower, since Osantrix, when he caught him, would surely hang him.

Melias said he should get up and leave in peace, because they did not want a foreign army in their town. And if they didn’t leave Melias would call up his men and fight. King Aspilian heard these words and became angry that his lord wad threated thus, and went into the hall and hit Melias’ ear so that he fell unconscious. Now king OsantrixNo more Thidrek also jumped up and drew his sword, and the Wilkinenmen with him did the same.

And when Widolf noticed his brother Aspilian had become angry he broke apart all fetters and took his iron staff. He went into the hall and killed men and women, people and cattle, and called out: Where are you, jarl Hertnit? Be happy because I’m here to free you. Jarl Hertnit and the other prisoners started to stir in their dungeon, and one knight, Hermann, was so strong that he managed to to break open the door, and they joined the other Wilkinenmen, who killed a great number of men, but king Melias escaped.

Attila and Erka


King Attila gathered a great army against king Osantrix, and when he rode out of Soest he had fiveVon der Hagen: six thousand knights, and when they came in Wilkinenland they burned and pillaged.

The giant Aspilian came against Attila with his army, and a great battle ensued. The Wilkinenmen were put to flightVon der Hagen: Aspilian had few warrior but depended on his brothers, and they killed five hundred, of which Widolf alone three hundred. and Aspilian and Etger fled east, but Aventrod and Widolf fled to king OsantrixThis clause is not in Von der Hagen, but matches 144, where only these two giants are with Osantrix.

Now king Osantrix gathered his army and marched against Attila. When he came south of Jutland he wanted to do battle with Attilaand in Von der Hagen this battle actually takes place and Widolf mows down the Huns and Attila loses and flees into the forest, but Attila rode back into Hunnenland, and Osantrix went after him, and when Attila came to the forest on the border between Denmark and Hunnenland he set up his tents and waited to see if Osantrix would ride out of his realm into HunnenlandVon der Hagen: Osantrix didn’t want to enter the forest at night and set up his tents on one side, and Attila on the other..

Witig and Heime


All this time there had been a feud between king Attila of Hunnenland and king Osantrix of Wilkinenland, and both had had victories and defeats. King Attila had grown stronger, and had made friendships with many powerful lords, and he was loved in his realm with all peoplesThe saga really presses this point home.

King Osantrix had aged, and had become harsher, and the people in his realm could hardly bear the heavy yoke he put on to them, and everybody suffered from him, rich and poor, courtiers and subjects, and foreign merchants. And although he gave his knights land, he still managed these lands himself and gave it to whomever he wanted. And the heavy wars with king Attila cost him a lot of money, so he demanded more and more tributeThe saga really presses this point home.

King Osantrix still had with him the two giants, Widolf with the Staff and Aventrod, his brother. But he had sent another brother of these giants, Etger, to king Isung of Bertangaland because of their friendship, and there he guarded the entry to that realm.


King Attile sought reconciliation with king Osantrix, and sent men to him, but Osantrix refused. When Attile found out, he sent a letter with his seal to king Dietrich to request him to come to Hunnenland with his best warriors for a campaign against king Osantrix, since they had sworn friendship. And king Dietrich wanted to come immediately, since his friend needed his help.

So he rode forth from Bern with 500 knights and his heroes. And when they came to Hunnenland king Attila received them well, and was ready to go to Wilkinenland with them.

So they went forth to Wilkinenland and made many prisoners and killed many, and some fled from them. They also burned many castles, villages and farmsteads, and gathered great booty, both people and gold and silver.


King Osantrix also had a large army, and when he met the army that did not flee from himDid the army flee from him earlier? The saga is unclear they clashed with one another, and a great battle began.

Herbrand, king Dietrichs banner carrier, rode in front, and hit with both hands both men and horses, and behind him came king Dietrich and his heroes, and they all tried their swords on hard helmets and strong shields and armour, and all the companions helped one another where necessary.

Then Widolf with the Staff came to them and with his staff he hit Witig, who was out in the very front, on the helmet, so that he fell from his horse onto the ground unconscious. Heime was close by, and when Witig had fallen he took his sword Mimung and hurried from there.

The Wilkinen also fought bravely, but king Dietrich told all his men to advance and show the enemies their handiwork. Now king Osantrix saw that the battle was lost and fled, after he had lost 500 knights. Attila, who had lost only 300, chased after him.

Wildeber and Isung


The next morning the king and all his men went out of the castle to a field, and with them as well Widolf with the Staff and Aventrod, and Widolf was in strong chains, since he should never be released except in battle. And they and all of the other king's men were without weapons. Many other people, young and old, men and women and children, came to see what would happen.

And now Witig in his prison heard that Isung, his friendThis friendship is not mentioned anywhere else, had come, and suspected he wanted to free him with some plot at the request of king Dietrich and his companions. Witig broke his fetters.

The people outside let loose sixty large dogs who all attacked the bear at the same time, but the bear took the largest of them with his front paws and with it killed twelve of the best dogs. King Osantrix became angry, walked to the bear, drew his sword, and slashed him at the top of his back, and although the sword went through the skin the armor.

Now Wildeber snatched his sword from the hands of Isung, went after the king and cut off his headthis last clause is missing from Von der Hagen and then ran to the giant Aventrod and killed him, and then sprang on Widolf with the Staff and killed him as well. And thus king Osantrix ended his life, and with him two of his giants.

Then all of the king's men, who were unarmed, ran away, and all thought the devil himself had entered the bear, and most of them didn't know what to do.

Wildeber now went to the castle and asked where his good friend Witig was. Witig had already broken out of prisoncan't have a major hero sitting around passively waiting for a rescue and together they ran through the town and killed sixteen men. They found many goods and weapons and horses, among which Witig's horse Schimming, and all his weapons except for his good sword Mimung, which he could find nowhere.

Now Wildeber took off the bear skin, and all saw he was a man and not a monstertroll, and they understood they had been tricked, and went for their weapons. Witig, Wildeber, and Isung thought it inadvisable to stay longer, and thought they had done well. They had found as much gold and silver and treasures as they could carry, and rode out of town. And they rode through wild lands until they came to Hunnenland and king Attila.

The road to Bertangaland


Although they did not cultivate it much, Witig and Etger the giant were related. Because Witig was the son of Wieland the Smith, whom the NorthmenVæringjar call Völund fyrir hagleiks sakarGoogle Translate says 'for the sake of good fortune'. This part is missing from Von der Hagen's translation., and Wieland was a son of the giant Wade, and Wade was the son of king Wilkinus and a sea ladysjókona, as was said earlier23. But king Wilkinus had another son with his own wifeeiginkona called Nordian, who was also a king, but a lesser one than his father, and Nordian had four sons who were all strong giants: Aventrod, Widolf with the Staff, and the third was Etger, who lived in this forest, and the fourth was Aspilian, who was also a king, and he was like other children of meni.e. not a giant. In this way Witig and the giant Etger were related.

Status: summary of 10 chapters complete.

Other parts

  1. Dietrich's family (1-14)
  2. Hildebrand (15-17)
  3. Heime (18-20)
  4. Osantrix and Oda (21-38)
  5. Attila and Erka (39-56)
  6. Wieland the Smith (57-79)
  7. Witig (80-95)
  8. Journey to Osning (96-107)
  9. Witig and Heime (108-110,134-137,146-151)
  10. Detlef the Dane (111-129)
  11. Amelung, Wildeber, and Herbrand (130-133)
  12. Wildeber and Isung (138-145)
  13. Sigmund and Sisibe (152-161)
  14. Sigfrid's youth (162-168)
  15. Origins of the Niflungen (169-170)
  16. Dietrich's feast (171-191)
  17. The road to Bertangaland (192-199)
  18. The tournament (200-222)
  19. Dietrich's fellowship falls apart (223-226,240)
  20. Gunther and Brunhild (227-230)
  21. Walther and Hildegund (241-244)
  22. Ake and Iron (269-275)
  23. Dietrich's flight (276-290)
  24. The Wilkinen wars (291-315)
  25. The battle of Gransport (316-341)
  26. Sigfrid's death (342-348)
  27. Hertnit and Isung (349-355)
  28. Grimhild's revenge (356-394)
  29. Dietrich's return (395-415)
  30. Attila's death (423-428)
  31. Heime's death (429-437)
  32. Dietrich's death (438-442)